Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Have you figured out the second head fake?

Pictured: Randy Pausch

 Photograph taken from: http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1826574,00.html

I remember when I was searching for the man most famous for the title of this post, the late Randy Pausch.  I made sure that I was reading almost every piece that I came up with his name on it, until I came up to an article that was written in his honor in the Time Entertainment by Nancy Gibbs.

“Did you figure out the head fake? It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way ... the dreams will come to you. Did you figure out the second head fake? The talk's not for you. It's for my kids.”
Randy Pausch

I just had to reflect on myself and wonder if I had really figured out the second head fake, have I done enough to make sure that I was leading a life that shed light towards the right path.  I remembered, from where I am at this present moment, I am slowly leading my life the right direction.  I have found the second head fake, for I was able to have my first qualification at the age of 21years.

I am leading my life towards the right direction, because I have managed to achieve a number of my goals and dreams; I have made my family proud of me and I have made myself proud.