Friday, May 18, 2012

Feelings Follow Behaviour

The things that people do to us do show how they feel about us, and how much they truly mean what they do and say about us.  I had an encounter with someone I thought was my friend.

I remember how she would keep cutting me short in all the group works we would have for our course, all my views being trashed down by her whereas she had nothing better or reason enough to substantiate why what I said was wrong and what she said was right.

I knew that there was something making her behave as she did when it comes to me, why she would tell our other friends not to be friends with me anymore.  To her I was a bad influence to the others. 

I was angry that I even told her she was not a person I would refer to as a friend. What I felt at that moment made me realise that I don’t need people like in my life, as from then I treated her as though she was a total stranger that I have never even met before.


  1. Written like a true legend hun! 100% of the time, people become mean since they are jealous of the person you are. Never change who you are to please the needs of mean people.

  2. I agree 10000000% with you. My philosophy is that IF someone does NOT add quality to my life, why then should they be a part of my life. I like your writing, please just proof read it, as there are mistakes which should not be.

  3. Thank you Zaan and Niven, I will make sure that I do a thorough proof read before posts:)

  4. Your such a sweet soul to be made angry like that, sorry babes. But such is life.

    I agree with you though, never waste energy on someone who is not willing to waste their energy on you. Life is too short, rather appreciate the good people in your life.
