Friday, May 18, 2012

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

There was once a time I never thought I wouldn’t be tested on real and sensitive matter that would make me wonder what I really believe in, not as a daughter, sister, niece, cousin and or friend; but as a person, an individual.

What people close to you decide on might come to affect you on the long run, either directly or indirectly.  The decisions they make would somehow put you on a hot seat, to think whether you do believe or not, whether you want to be part of or not.

I had recently been in a situation where I was left with no choice but support the people I say I love even though their decisions were against what I believed in, I had to put my differences aside and think of how the person feels and what they are really going through.

It’s tough decision making that makes one realize of what kind of a person you are, when you are left with no choice but to either be for or against a person’s decision.


  1. Difficult topic to delve in, but definitely a well written piece. Thought provoking stuff. Good work.
