Friday, March 30, 2012


Photograph taken from:

We meet people in our daily lives, and it is never guaranteed that the people we meet and those we become friends with will forever be in our lives; but still we let them be part of our lives for the time being they are still in our lives and we are happy to have them as friends, and or family.

A friend of mine once said “we meet and part with people, so rather treasure every moment you have with them for you don’t know whether they are there to stay or just for a while”.

That made me think about all the people I have met and parted with along the way, some were worth it and some were rather painful and emotional. Appreciation goes a long way; it is just for us to acknowledge all the good we have.

1 comment:

  1. Very true Zandile. Some people come in our lives to teach us something about ourselves and vice versa. So its important to take away what you learnt from the companionship, let be and let live.
