Friday, March 16, 2012

We Are Afraid Of The Wrong Things

Photograph taken from:

One would have to think first what wrong really means to them, and we find that at most times it’s characterized by what our societies deem and perceive as being wrong.

The wrong things are the mistakes we make as we grow up in life, the ones that either make us or break us; depending on the situation itself and how we respond to it. We live in a world where societies have their own elements of the “wrong” with perceptions and stereotypes that form part of the norms and values of the society.

Being afraid comes with all the inner thought about what people are going to say about what we do, what our family’s reaction will be and how they are going to be implicated in all that we do.

It is not about being afraid because we don’t want to do the wrong things, but it is our conscience that makes us think of the next person and our reputation thereafter. Opportunities may be lost, but at the end of the day it all comes to thinking about things that will build and groom us before we do anything.


  1. Agree with you Zandile. Sometimes fear arises out of what we think others think of our. Their expectations for us and we fall into that. We choose to be mouldered, instead of breaking out of that mould and living for us.

    Fear might keep you from making mistakes, but sometimes mistakes are needed to GROW, and what would life be without GROWTH?

    Thoroughly enjoyed this post.

  2. Thank you Thandi, the feedback you keep giving me really does make me enjoy writing even more.

    and what we do wrong simply means that we are learning, because at times we do things not knowing the outcome, but then at the end you learn something new and as you said; that is growth itself.

  3. Absolutely, very inspiring and great food for thought. well done
